Micro-Food Business Applications
Micro-food business application
Complete a City of New Haven Health Department application and additional information application on the online CitySquared platform using the guidance below (note: this does not apply to cottage food).
1. Select Apply for License on the left-hand side menu
- Department: Health - Food Service Establishment
- License Type: Health - Food Service Establishment
- Detailed Description: <describe your food service establishment briefly>
- Establishment Square Footage: <enter square footage>
- Indoor Seating Capacity: <enter indoor seating capacity>
- Outdoor Seating Capacity: <enter outdoor seating capacity>
- Food Service Establishment Type: 125 - Micro Food Business
- Renewal of license: <enter yes/no as applicable>
- CFPM (Certified Food Protection Manager Details): <enter yes/no as applicable>
2. Establishment Location
- Search for your business name or the location of you business establishment with the street number
- Click ADD
- Click NEXT to continue
3. Establishment Contact(s) Selection
- List the name and role of the Certified Food Protection Manager (CFPM) for the businesss
4. Certified Food Protection Manager Details
- Enter the requested information about the CFPM and their certification
5. Standard Hours of Operation
- Enter the opening to closing times for each day
Food Manufacturing License Application for Acidified Foods Production
More details available on the CT Department of Consumer Protection page on Food Licensing and Registration - see "Food Mfg. Establishment". License requirements are included here.